McKay’s Music Corner
1 year ago

S1E17 - A Bug's Life

Recently McKay re-watched his favorite Disney Pixar film - "A Bug's Life". Feeling inspired, he decided to do today's episode all about the incredible music from that film which was composed by Randy Newman.

Spotify Playlist: Episode 17

Episode 17 Timecodes:

  • 1:23.00 - Introduction to the film "A Bug's Life"
  • 3:27.00 - Discussion of Opening Music / "Flik Leaves" from A Bug's Life score.
  • 6:00.00 - Discussion of "Red Alert" from A Bug's Life score.
  • 8:16.00 - Discussion of "The City" from A Bug's Life score.
  • 9:57.00 - Discussion of "The Bird Flies" from A Bug's Life score.

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